The underground playbook

If someone gave you the playbook to building a powerful business would you open the book? You have something very special inside of you and you have something to teach that I can’t teach because you do it better.

Did you know you can change the world with what you already know?

Expert Secrets Playbook

Rarely do people give themselves credit for life lessons and knowledge they have learned along the way. There is no way you have gotten to the point you are in today up to the point of reading this blog post and know nothing.

Selling information products

You can take the life lessons you have learned and package them into information products, coaching, consulting, a book, a blog,
You don’t need to have a large capital in the bank to start teaching.

Most people lack the confidence to step up to the role of being a leader. They feel inadequate, that they are not experienced enough, smart enough, thin enough, not good enough at something. The biggest hurdle you have is being okay with you right where you are. I just want you to know past this sentence… You are an expert at something.

Now you know.

The problem for most of us is our natural ability comes so easy that they don’t seem so amazing or that anyone else could ever need them. Your superpower won’t seem like that big of a deal,  but if you are not a blogger and I gave you a few tips on how to make your blog readable on the internet versus making your English teacher happy it would be a big deal to you.

Everybody thinks they need to be certified and have paid thousands of dollars to teach what they know. You may need some tools to make it work easier for you but you don’t even have to know how to use those. You can hire someone to help you.

You don’t have to be the smartest person in the world, just be one chapter ahead of the student and teach.

Who do you serve

The answer is not everybody. Business niches are around health, wealth or relationships. Those are your three matches. There are so many areas you can go into that is unique to you. These are called sub-niches that your products can serve. When people start saying that the “market is saturated” that immediately tells me they are trying to serve like everyone else.

A bodybuilder using essential oils and a mom of 5 kids can both use the same company, exact same products and use them for different reasons for two totally different results. Both are using them in the health and wellness space but speaking to different groups of people for different outcomes.

An example would be a bodybuilder can teach how to use proper form in the gym using an essential oil to support their energy, support the respiratory or soothe sore muscles after the workout and a mom of 5 can teach how to support her kids immune system, stress release after a toddler has a meltdown and energy to keeping going for the day when no one takes a nap.

Both people using the same products under the same wellness tab but for a sub-category to what they do in a day.

Don’t try to find a niche and fit in. Fit your products into what you already know.

Did a lightbulb just come on in your brain?

It should have.

Carve out your space in the ecosystem

All this sounds simple as you are reading this blog post about your playbook but putting it into practice. You will need to be a little creative and take time to discover your superpower super secrets. People are silently begging to be led by a leader who will lead the way. This could be needing to be led or you could be the leader the world is waiting for.

What you will find in business that can be frustrating is connecting with someone who wants what you are offering (products or services) and they want access to your playbook and then they say these words “I am broke,” “I don’t have the money” what they actually mean and most people fit into this category. They have the money but they are not “willing” to part with a dime.

When you tap into your submarket, you will find that they are hungry for access to your playbook, they have the money and they are willing.

Who do you need to become a leader?

Let your attractive character shine, live your life the way your audience would like to be living. You are the example to the people you are attracting. It doesn’t matter if it is goat farming or world traveler. Those are the types people you can attract when you start your own movement.

Become certain in what you are offering. Certainty will win every time. If you are wishy-washy on what you think or believe your potential customers will see it. It takes time to find your voice since you have spent most of your life hiding it.

This is where social media post, Facebook lives, blogging, snap chat, Instagram comes to help out. It doesn’t matter what platform you choose. What matters is you are consistent in sharing.

In the beginning, you do not post this content for your readers you are posting them to for yourself to build the voice you need to lead. The more consistent you are, over time people, will follow you and your voice will be certain.

Stop hesitating and message me let’s get you on a path to shift your business or start you in a business. You have not read this far to leave now without getting a little uncomfortable and get started.

P.S. How about leadership or even a system to plug into to help you level up? There are so many simple tweaks you can make to start moving you in the direction you’re looking to go…take a peek here

Share this post with someone that you know needs help, and it could be you. You may also like the blog post Crafting your Story

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