The Key to “Winning” the LinkedIn Algorithm

Do you want to know the easiest and most impactful way to hack the LinkedIn algorithm? It all comes down to two essential elements:

1. your network 
2. your content.

One is more important than the other.

Pay attention if you feel like your LinkedIn posts are getting lost in the void. The first step is to focus on building your network and fostering relationships.

Be an active participant on the platform.
Engage with others, leave thoughtful comments, and post regularly
connect with new people.
Initiate conversations with your new connections.

The algorithm prioritizes showing your content to the people you’re messaging, especially those you’ve recently connected with.

However, the key to success is consistency. I spend one hour two times a week just commenting. I have a tool that helps me.

When LinkedIn notices your consistent activity, it will show your posts to more people in your network.

As long as you remain active and engaged, your post reach will continue to grow.

Remember, consistency is the secret to “winning” the LinkedIn algorithm.

Need help creating a system for driving opportunities on LinkedIn? Send me a message to learn more!

To dive deeper into mastering LinkedIn, text “LinkedIn” to 270-514-0951 or click the link:

✌ ( ͡👁️ ͜ʖ ͡👁️)✌ 
With ❤ from Angela

 P.S. Let me know if you could use $500 this month, and I can give you the deets.

Curious? Message me

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