How to Build a Legacy with a Side Hustle

Imagine waking up excited about the day ahead. You have work to do, but it’s work you genuinely enjoy, and you’re getting paid well for it.

This scenario isn’t just a dream; it’s a reality you can achieve by building a legacy with a side hustle.

In this blog post, I share my story of building a legacy with a side hustle, sharing insights from my personal journey.

Why Choose a Side Hustle to Build Your Legacy

Think about the legacy you want to create for your family. Picture the smiles on your children’s faces, the pride in your parents’ eyes, and the joy of knowing you’re building something lasting for future generations.

This isn’t just about making money—it’s about securing a future filled with possibilities and freedom for those you love. Building a legacy with a side hustle means investing in something meaningful and impactful.

Finding the Right Side Hustle for You – A side hustle can take many forms—whether it’s working at a gym, driving for Uber, freelancing, or creating digital products or services. The essence is offering something valuable in exchange for money.

Identify Your Passions and Skills

Start with something you love. Why? Because you’re more likely to stick with it. Enjoying what you do makes staying motivated and diving into the necessary research and learning easier. Plus, I want you to love your life—simple as that.

Over the years, I’ve found immense joy in the field of mental wellness. Having worked in that field as a nurse for 25 years, I partnered with a Mental Wellness company, aligning my passion for helping others with a rewarding side hustle.

Assess Your Time and Commitment

Be honest with yourself. How much time can you realistically dedicate to your side hustle? More importantly, how much time do you want to spend on it?

When I started Brooks Marketing, I sacrificed the time I would have spent on leisure activities because I knew my investment in myself and my business would pay off. And I don’t regret a single moment. The satisfaction of seeing my efforts pay off, not just for me but for my family, made it all worthwhile.

Decide on Your Goals: Temporary or Long-Term

Not everyone starts a side hustle to quit their job, and that’s perfectly fine. Everyone has a purpose, whether it’s paying off debt, saving for vacations, or, like me, funding my son’s baseball travels and adding to our 401K investments.

Knowing you’re working towards something meaningful makes every effort worth it. Aim for just one sale per week. It’s easy to overthink and believe you need a ton of sales, but that’s not the case! One sale per week can equate to $900 per week or $3600 per month. Now, that’s a solid side gig if you ask me!

Leverage Education and Tools to Succeed

Worried about not knowing enough people or having a small social media following? Don’t be!

We teach you everything you need to know about marketing on social media, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, email marketing, video marketing, and good golly, so much more. Just follow the training and watch the sales roll in!

Additionally, our legacy blueprint provides the education and skills necessary to grow your side hustle effectively. This blueprint has been instrumental in helping many, including myself, navigate the complexities of building a successful business.

Here’s what one of our successful clients, Sarah, had to say:

“Starting my side hustle with Angela’s guidance was my best decision ever. The legacy blueprint gave me the tools and confidence to turn my passion into a profitable business. Now, I’m earning extra income and building a future for my kids.” ~ Sarah

I’ve cleared some time in my schedule and would love to connect with you for a quick chat. Let’s catch up, see how you’ve been, and explore ways I can support you on your journey.

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