Business community helps give you courage Guaranteed!


I never knew how important a business community was until I invested in myself and my business to join a mastermind with Ray Higdon. This was not the first mastermind I have been connected too – but this one has had closer connections than any other.

People come from all over the USA, England, Hawaii, Providenciales, Turks And Caicos Islands and many more places to train for their business for 4 days. No questions are left unanswered, no idea left out. I leave with no less than 20 pages of notes that I am able to turn into a blog post and facebook live videos for weeks down the road.

When you are new to network marketing, you truly believe that your energy and excitement of starting a business will be enough to push you through the times that nothing is happening in your business.

You are wrong.

Support Team for your business

14650240_10210315622914346_6893750389387029331_nYou need a support group that understands what you are trying to do in your business. You need those people who understand your stumbles so they can lift you up and give you and ideas that maybe you didn’t think of or a new spin on the idea you were rolling around in your head.

This top earner mastermind group are between the ages of 22-65yrs old. From making zero dollars to over one million dollars per year. After spending 3 days in group sessions and one day in a private diamond session with 7 figure earners I came home full of knowledge and energy that has caused a busy week.

The MLM Blueprint Secrets is now going to be in a book form not just on Kindle.
The Marketing Infusion coaching group is now going to be adding a system to generate leads and a bonus facebook group for community support.
A new social media ebook was added to the newsletter for free

14517623_10210321856190174_4688831291784562184_nThe circus picture at the top of this post was in Sarasota Florida with a rocken group of people who went to the circus for a day to learn to balance on a wire, bounce with balance, trust the ropes to pull us up into the air and swing us around, and to hang from a scarf. Just like your business – you have to learn balance, walk the tight wire as you learn, trust those who are helping you, bounce back up on your feet when you get knocked down.

The circus people who had been studying this athletic art for 12 years and more provide a show for us while we ate our lunch that was amazing how they dangled in the air with grace. They didn’t start on the swing without a net, and they didn’t walk the high wire with grace after one or two months in the profession. They fell many times before they stayed balanced. They didn’t glide through the air with grace in the beginning but they showed up everyday and did the skills that needed to be done over and over and over again. Until….they performed with elegance.

Community Matters

14520450_10210321326896942_4455864838347367882_nAll of this progress is from being around a community of people who are sharing their ideas and pulling notes together asking questions that inspire other business owners to be better because of the connection.

The marketing infusion group is set up to support people who need online business training – that can be used offline as well. It is a community that will support you and help you find the answers to problems that may look big to you but are solved easily when shared with people who understand your mission.


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Angela Brooks
Email: Contact Angela
Blog: Attraction Network Marketing
Facebook Page: AngelaBrooksBiz
Twitter: @angelabrooks

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