People Want To retire before 48 But Can’t Get Started

people-want-to-retire-before-48-but-cant-get-startedJust two years ago I was still working a full time job 5 days a week and working my business part time in the afternoon when I got home. I used my lunch hour to listen to training calls, and follow up with people who I had connected with. I kept a small notebook in my pocket so I could jot down ideas through the day for a blog post and even wrote blog post out on my phone note pad and emailed them to myself.

I have never been a big TV watcher – and when I made the decision to make this business work, TV was a no brainer to give up.

It was a struggle finding content in the beginning because I was like everyone else WHERE do I find content. Then I discovered that content is literally everywhere when you open your eyes and your mind to finding it.

If you follow me on Facebook you know I have done a lot of traveling this year, well actually since I retired. I posted my trips on my Facebook page and blog about the adventure. Most people miss this important opportunity as a teaching tool for their blog space.

If I am at a mastermind or a training event you can bet I am taking notes. Pages and pages of notes! I was once guilty of coming home, tossing them in the drawer and never reading them again. That was like getting checks with my name on it and tossing them in the trash. Not that I would do that, would you?

I bring those notes home and I use them for blogging content and teach people what I learned.

Blogging block

Instead of standing at the check out counter tapping my foot and wishing the person in front of me would hurry up. I started noticing the advertisements at the counter. The type of magazines that are at the counter are the top sellers and those magazine covers are full of blog titles written by very high paid copywriters.

I will either snap a picture of the magazine cover or will jot down a title in my phone notes to use later. When I get home I will use the headline analyzer to see what EMV score it will get (emotional marketing value)

As you know, reaching your customers in an deep and emotional way is a key to successful copywriting, and your headline is unquestionably the most important piece of copy you use to reach prospects.

Your headline will be analyzed and scored based on the total number of EMV words it has in relation to the total number of words it contains. This will determine the EMV score of your headline. Check it out here.

Your want to retire?

Now you know how you can get started blogging to actually make retiring a possibility sooner than later. It takes a plan, a goal and a desire. #1 fact is you have to get started today not tomorrow. If you are struggling to build your business and need some guidance – Join a community that will support you as you learn.

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Angela Brooks
Email: Contact Angela
Blog: Attraction Network Marketing
Facebook Page: AngelaBrooksBiz
Twitter: @angelabrooks

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